Friday, September 26, 2014

Tip for Day 2 and Beyond...

So you made it through the first day of religious school.  You met the students, and some of the parents.  Faces with the names.  What next?

How should Day 2 start?  (and Day 3, 4, 5 and beyond)

#1 Tip of the Year:  Be prepared.
Arrive EARLY and prepare your room for the students BEFORE they arrive. 
What does that mean?
·       Agenda on the Board:  Write your agenda of the day of the board.  I suggest using a basic outline of the day’s events with times written just for specials (music, art).  Why?  Knowing what to expect helps students with transitions.  Almost eliminates the question “When is SNACK?”.  Also helps you stay on track.  Helps the madrich/a know what to expect.

·       Supplies and Copies for the Day:  Gather all of the supplies you plan to use that day.  (Hopefully these are written on your lesson plan in the materials section.)  Lay them out on your teacher table/desk in the order you plan on using them. 

·       Sponge or Warm Up:  Have something for the students to do when they enter the room, after they read the Opening Message and respond to the question – what next?  For younger students, have playdough, puzzles, books, or simple Jewish games (dominoes) out and ready to go.  Colored pencils or markers and blank paper – with a prompt.  Might even have simple collage materials, glue and a prompt to respond do.  A simple survey – to interview classmates. 

·       Greet Students at the Door:  Be at the door as students arrive.  Last week, I noticed one of our teachers standing at the door, greeting each student with a handshake, and then he directed the students to the next activity.  Each student feels welcomed and valued.  Wow.  But to do this, you have to be ready to go before the students arrive.  How – arrive early!

Teachers who are ready to go before the first student enters the room, report a more peaceful, less stressful day.  A day that starts well, tends to end on a good note. 
Remember to SMILE! J   

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